Feb 24, 2012

How to save money on Bread

There are many ways to save money on bread.  Everyone is different so you can find the way that works for you.

1. Make bread at home.  By shopping sales and using coupons you can get the ingredient for a reasonable price.  It saves time to make many loafs at the same time.  However, be aware of how many you can eat before it goes bad.

2. When you find a sale stock up and store it in your freezer.  I find bread lasts great in the freezer.

3. Buy bread at a bread store.  I don't mean a bakery.  There are bread stores owned by the major bread companies that sale bread that is near the date on the package.  The bread at a store I like to shop at, has bread around a dollar.  I have never had it go bad.  I will stop in and buy bread and other bread products for about a third of the cost on the other store's shelves.  I try to keep some in the freezer so I don't have to pay full price.   

4. Make rolls, bread sticks, muffins, buns, doughnuts and other bread products to stretch the life on the loaf of bread.  I was amazed how easy buns and other products are to make.  The change of shape and taste adds variety.

5. Don't over look the marked down section in your grocery store.  If you are planning on toasting the bread anyways having it completely fresh is not as important.  There can be better prices when the store is advertising bread and over buys.

6. My children love to go to a bakery at the end of the day because their doughnuts get marked way down.  It does not hurt to ask what time prices go down at night.  This works great for stores that have a bakery.  You can do your shopping at that time and get a great price on doughnuts.

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