Feb 2, 2011

Save Money with Coupons

I find it much easier to spend coupons then money and I love walking out of a store with lots of items while leaving behind very little of my own cash.

Tip 1: Use coupons when items are already marked down.
When there is a sale on something you want combined with a coupon items are sometimes free of very cheep. Using store circulars, blogs or other sale notifications to compare sales to coupons you have make for a lower grocery bill.

Tip 2: Organize:
*Organize coupons in a binder by date or cut out those coupons you may use in a folder. I suggest keeping all coupons until they expire because you never know when something unexpected may become free.
*Organize coupons you are taking to the store by putting them in the order you plan to use them as you walk through the store. Have a place or way to store the coupons you use and those you will not use.

Tip 3: Use Rebates:
I keep rebates I may use with the coupons. When items come on sale and there is a coupon and a rebate it is time to buy.

Tip 4: Read the fine print:
*Coupons will sometimes say with purchase of____, or have size limits this is great is the item you want fits the requirements.
*There is a differences between 10 for 10 dollars and buy 10 get $4 off. Usually if something is 10 for $10 it is a dollar no matter how much you buy. However, if the store is running a buy 10 get $4 off you need to buy 10 of the included items usually in the same transaction to get the $4 off.
*Look for limits to purchase prices. Is the price good on only one item per transaction? If so try splitting up the order. Or maybe you need 10 bought at the same time to get the good deal.
*Look for expiration dates.

Tip 5: Combine store and manufacture coupons:
If your store puts out a coupon and you can get a manufactures coupon for the same item most stores will let you use both for the same item. Watch the fine print on both coupons.

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