Jan 12, 2011

Is it worth it?

Welcome to 2011. This year many of us are trying to same money. So the question is: Is it worth couponing? I think this depends on your situation. If you have a little time you could put to this it could be beneficial. However it you are one of the select few who make lots an hour then spend your time working if you are looking at is purely financially. I have found that there are many ways to do couponing. If you only want to spend a little time and not get a newspaper you can still save money. If you want to get lots of newspapers and print coupons off the Internet then you can save more money. A great tool is finding a good website or blog that will help you find the deals easily. More on this later. I like knowing that if I use one coupon on something I wanted or needed I saved that much money. Leave your comments and let me know what you think.

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