May 7, 2010

Save Money by Rotating

I think one of my least favorite ways to lose money is throwing away food. People buy food then do not rotate food and end up throwing it away. It is important to have a system in place to help with rotation. This can be a written spreadsheet with tally marks or numbers by the item, amount, date bought and date to use by. Or it can be a location system. When I buy a new can I put it behind the older cans. This way I know what can to use first. Every six months or less depending on the size and style of your food storage it is important to go through it to see what you have and what you might need. This can change what you buy and also what you use. Look for items that should be used soon. You can set aside a place for items needing to be used. Then when you plan a menu or a meal use these items first.

I like to keep the fridge organized with a place for leftovers or other foods that will not last very long. This helps eliminate the mystery items and moldy science experiments that can grow in the fridge. I like using leftovers in new meals. For example left over meat and vegetables can go into a soup. When I do this there is not that leftover stigma and dinner is easier to cook.

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